THIS will be the last 2011 update!(:

Hey everyone! I have time for one last post before next year, haha.

I saw the picture I put up yesterday was horrible, so sorry about that.

Hope you'll keep playing during new years for a couple of hours if not, here are some other things too do! (Edit: I wrote this in the morning)

Watch this video, for example. If you've ever thought you were good at playing super mario 64... you'll never think you are after watching this. The guy finishes the game in 2 hours, for real! Check it out

Also read this article. Instead of trying to become better after the bad things you did this year, look back at the good gaming moments, games, publishers, fans aso, of 2011! For example, "glasses free 3D-technology".

Anyway, happy new year, see you in 2012
Bye guys!


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