Hey everyone! Have you ever visited If you've not, do it;

So, it's just a site with crappy online flashgames, well, nothing new. I discover a good game in the mess once in a while, like "This is the only level" and "Sonny" but never mind that. But sometimes I just find the wierdest games as well. So if you have time, go check that specific game out as well here;

It's starcraft! Yaay *getting quite excited* ... *want it to start* Like, I really wanna find out how they made a starcraft game online like that. So I push play, finally.
"Zerg colony found"
So if someone played it you know what's gonna happen but I just need to state how I felt when I played.
And then it's practically like some tower defence shit where you hit zerglings running through where you are. And to be honest, I'm amazed by this game. Can you really call it StarCraft?
Nevermind now... I can't even express how I feel about this cheating... yeah, I actually feel cheated!!

Aaanyway, that wasn't really important now was it so I just wanna put in that this is the first month that I will actually not get the most views ever since I started this blog. That's a shame, c'mon guys, visit more next month ;)
No but really, if you've stopped coming in here for a certain reason don't hesitate to tell me why because I always want to improove.

Bye guys!


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