
Hey everyone! I am proud today because it's only been 11 days since I posted something here... *irony for those of you incompetent*


You might be wondering a bit about the headline for today... no? Oh...

I'll tell you anyway!

My upper secondary school is called KLARAGymnasium, Klara upper secondary school (and yeah I know, it's the same name as mine which is actually awkward sometimes...), and some senior guys decided to make a convent at school (that was more a LAN but what ever haha). We had a great time and played a lot of games (Super smash bros, Lol (ugh ;)), Soul calibur, StarCraft 2, mario kart gc and so on).
  The only reason why I mention this so late (was months ago) is becauuuuse... I got on third place in the StarCraft tournament :D!  (out of around 8-10 players)  It says more about them than me since I suck but I still got totally proud. Not long until I'm participating in world wide tournaments heheh... I'll just need some coaching first...

I guess there're a lot of readers out there that are excited about Diablo III and as you know it's just three days left! Myself, not totally pumped, but I'm trying to follow some news and vids and I will totally watch my bf play it when he gets it (already saw the beta though) but until then everyone excited for Diablo should watch this guy! (It's pretty long). He's talking about Diablo III basically...

So that's what you get for today!

Bye guys!


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