Things that has to do with other things!

Hey everyone! I know for a fact that I've been blogging less than I did before but the amount of post that are right now (like 2 a week) are actually satisfying and I'm pretty happy about that number! Sometimes it gets up to 5 and then I feel like the superwoman of the year but 2 a week isn't that bad to be honest.

Usually I try to bring up important subject, or things I imagine could be important, but today I will embrace the way I am... boring!

First of I neeeeed to talk about Harry Potter because it's been a very long time!
  Happily Pottermore is no longer in beta...

And yes I am in Slytherin which I had a very hard time coping with for a while Ma heart's in Gryffindor! I've started to feel okay with it though... and yes my name is LeviosaBronze22 because you can't choose your own name which is just ridiculous! See how I turn everything I say into HP-things?
  On the negative side of Pottermore is though that everyone that got in the beta, me for example, still can't do anything we couldn't do before. Not that I mind cause Pottermore's great and I guess the beta was a very close production to what Pottermore actually became but... I have done everything you already can do. Now all the other n00bs that didn't play the beta are going to play through the sorcerers stone, do all the things you all could and be on the same level as me. Not that I mind that either, it's just that Pottermore is getting more and more boring and I'm afraid they care a bit too little about the players. When will I be able to play the chamber of secrets??? Gosh...

But except making Pottermore, J.K Rowling has been rather busy with other things that might slow the production... (no I don't expect that she's actually doing the site but still)... and what that is... I will do a whole blogpost about in itself later... bam bam bam!
  Hopefully though you already know what it is concerning if you are loyal Harry Potter fans! :)<3

To keep up with the boring part I think I should tell you readers that I, the 25th of March, turned 18! Which means drivers licence aso so hurray. That was... preeeetty long ago I guess but I just wanted to tell you that I'm a grown woman now and everyone really should listen to my advise in gaming aso since I have so much experience now that I'm an adult and all! So go play StarCraft II people, I know it's good  for you.

So I guess it's time for me to stop being boring. DreamHack tomorrow! HuK, ThorZaIN and White-ra are still in! W00p! 4 people in a car for three hours is always an experiment though! ^^

Bye guys!


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