People that have problems with gaming

Hey everyone!

I never understood people that have problems with a gamer/nerd. They have their interests but I never complain on them because of it. Just because someone can't understand why I like something doesn't mean they have to complain about it. I especially, actually, get hurt when people say "Oh, I didn't think girls would ever like to play games". Why not? It's just a regular interest like any other. Sure, I'm pale cause I don't get out as often as others but I'm a freaking ginger, I'm supposed to be pale!! (Best excuse ever to be pale lolol).

If anyone came up to me and said "All day long I fix my garden and on the evening I go out drinking. The next day I go shopping for clothes" I could laugh in their faces and say that they have a worthless life filled with boring things but I won't and you know why? Cause I don't care what other people do on their free time as long as it doesn't hurt them and makes them happy whether it's gardening, making food or watching television all day.

Coming home and playing games/blogging about them/watching others play/hanging in that community is just an interest I like and I really can't see the problem. Some say it's addicting but you can be addicted to most things and if you feel addicted to something you should stop that. People in my class are annoyed that their boyfriends are addicted to games but instead they are addicted to smoking. I'm not addicted to games, I just like them. If someone is addicted to shopping/food/smoking/gaming/gambling they should stop but addiction and games don't belong together from my point of view.

There are so many things about me but games. My boyfriend, friends, school/trying to have good grades, working, working out and similar but games are a part of who I am like anything else and as fast as I stand up for that people put me down and say "see, games make you aggressive" while other people defending their interest stand up for what they do.

There is a possibility to earn money in the gaming field as a progamer, caster or anything like that. The good thing about that is that it's a new genre where people can have jobs. If someone can play football and earn money you should be able to earn it on playing games too. I don't see any problem with anyone earning money from anything that doesn't hurt anyone. People have told me that you should be able to earn money just by being on facebook in that case too and hell yeah, if someone could sponsor another person to write good things about a company or what ever then why not?! But the problem is their's no one interested in that, yet at least. Cause people don't understand that free time activities like football, handball or any other sport is also based on having sponsors, just like in e-sport, but apparently it's only a problem when it comes to e-sport.

So no, I really don't understand the problem with gaming and I stand for that opinion. You can look at me and say I'm a nerd, that just makes me glad, cause it's true damn it!

Bye guys!


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