Gaming of 2012/2013
Hey everyone!
Oh my gosh, can I has?

So I was thinking, since this year is coming to an end that I would do a little summary of how the gaming year has been! For me it's been good and I've played a bunch of new and old games. I've tried home, guild wars and rediscovered SimCity4 for example. I have also for the first time finished playing Portal in my own and not just watching others play it. Now I only have Portal 2 to finish in the upcoming year. This year is also the year for me that I tried Quake for the first time as well as Heart of the swarm (obviously). The gaming of 2012 was really good!
Besides from these games there was of course other, new releases too. The game Fez that was supposed to be released two years back finally came to Xbox live. I'm disappointed I didn't buy that actually... Fez seems very inovative and can be fun for anyone at home to play casually. Read more about Fez here.
But all hasn't been good this year. Remember the ending of Mass effect 3? Want a spoiler? Probably not but no one can have missed the hate it got. Aside from that I can't really come up with anything else that was bad.
So there was a bunch of other games that were released for various consoles too. Uncharted, Amy, Dear Esther, Plants versus zombies, more lego Harry Potter, expansions for The sims 3, Pikmin 2, Borderlands 2, Halo 4, Far cry 3, prepurchase for Dead space 3, a looot of Sonic games and the list doesn't have an end.
But except from games there were also consoles released. The WiiU was obviously the biggest one, like really, crawl out from your rock if you haven't heard of that. Other less hyped consoles were released to. For example I didn't know that the Nintendo 3DS XL was released this year, not that it's a great deal either.
The third thing I come to think about is the release of Windows 8 which has gotten a lot of critique not from just the gamers but the developers as well. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my Windows 7 until I buy a new computer with what ever Windows will come up with after this and hopefully Windows 8 can be better optimized later on with updates and so on.
So, what will 2013 leave for us then? If 13 is an unlucky number for you maybe it won't be as good but for the rest of us I think it has potential, at least for us that will keep our windows 7! It will have some good games at least for what we know now. Tomb raider, resident evil 6, Dead space 3 as mentioned, Crysis 3, a new sim city, Amnesia: A machine for pigs and this is probably just the beginning of it!
That's all I will give to you this year, thank you all for being with me during the whole year. I hope you'll be with me during 2013 as well.
Bye guys and happy new year!
Oh my gosh, can I has?
So I was thinking, since this year is coming to an end that I would do a little summary of how the gaming year has been! For me it's been good and I've played a bunch of new and old games. I've tried home, guild wars and rediscovered SimCity4 for example. I have also for the first time finished playing Portal in my own and not just watching others play it. Now I only have Portal 2 to finish in the upcoming year. This year is also the year for me that I tried Quake for the first time as well as Heart of the swarm (obviously). The gaming of 2012 was really good!
Besides from these games there was of course other, new releases too. The game Fez that was supposed to be released two years back finally came to Xbox live. I'm disappointed I didn't buy that actually... Fez seems very inovative and can be fun for anyone at home to play casually. Read more about Fez here.
But all hasn't been good this year. Remember the ending of Mass effect 3? Want a spoiler? Probably not but no one can have missed the hate it got. Aside from that I can't really come up with anything else that was bad.
So there was a bunch of other games that were released for various consoles too. Uncharted, Amy, Dear Esther, Plants versus zombies, more lego Harry Potter, expansions for The sims 3, Pikmin 2, Borderlands 2, Halo 4, Far cry 3, prepurchase for Dead space 3, a looot of Sonic games and the list doesn't have an end.
But except from games there were also consoles released. The WiiU was obviously the biggest one, like really, crawl out from your rock if you haven't heard of that. Other less hyped consoles were released to. For example I didn't know that the Nintendo 3DS XL was released this year, not that it's a great deal either.
The third thing I come to think about is the release of Windows 8 which has gotten a lot of critique not from just the gamers but the developers as well. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my Windows 7 until I buy a new computer with what ever Windows will come up with after this and hopefully Windows 8 can be better optimized later on with updates and so on.
So, what will 2013 leave for us then? If 13 is an unlucky number for you maybe it won't be as good but for the rest of us I think it has potential, at least for us that will keep our windows 7! It will have some good games at least for what we know now. Tomb raider, resident evil 6, Dead space 3 as mentioned, Crysis 3, a new sim city, Amnesia: A machine for pigs and this is probably just the beginning of it!
That's all I will give to you this year, thank you all for being with me during the whole year. I hope you'll be with me during 2013 as well.
Bye guys and happy new year!
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