Day9 daily

Hey everyone! This post I will say is a very special post, juuust for you ;)

In this post I would like to talk about something that the StarCraft-players readers might know about. I want to bring the subject up because this is something I've had a lot of use for myself as a StarCraft-n00b-player. So whether you're new to StarCraft or not this is good reading. It's about Day9 and his dailies!

So if you're a new reader/not at all familiar with StarCraft you might not know who Day9 is and what he does but I guess I'll do a short summary for you.
  Day9 was a big player in StarCraft - brood war and has, since that became less big, mainly been a caster in StarCraft II. He said recently it's because he enjoys so much going to tournaments and so on as a caster and feels like he contributes more to the community in that way even though he loves playing.

Day9 to me is a man with a very bubbly, funny personality. He always smiles, laughs and tells jokes but is never afraid to show other emotions if he's sad, he'll show that too. Because of the way he so easily talks about his feelings, what happened to him the other day and his life in general he really feels like a good friend!

As a caster and analyser I like him too. He brings good thoughts into the games and just have a good voice and way of speaking to be a caster!

The dailies he makes are usually once a day, well duh, or actually I think it's around 5 a week to be more accurate. Unless he's actually away for some reason, casting somewhere or so, there's always a video almost every day to watch.
  I like the way that he just goes with things in his dailies. They're very long but always devided into parts. As I said he almost makes one every day. There's the funday Monday, where we still "learn to be a better gamer", but also have fun, which is important. There's the newbie Tuesday are for people like me where we definitely learn to be a better gamer! There's the friendday Wednesday where Day9 brings someone into the analysis, very often a pro-gamer, and analyse the game together. And then there are just... a few more videos until the week is over!

If you want to watch his dailies just go to  or search for Day9 daily on Here's an example of a daily.

If you want to know more about the typical Day9 than you better watch this too!

In the near future you'll be seeing Day9 at the finals of the Collegiate Starleague SC2!

Just because I put a lot of time into this post I promise that the first one that makes Day9 read and tweet about this post will get whatever they like for 10€ in the whooole wide world! I think... it would be so cool if he'd read it, gonna be hard to make it happen though :)

Bye guys!


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