How to prevent hating games because your friends do

Hey everyone!

So I'm at work early because I start a different time on Fridays. I don't have much to do so why not blog a little. I'm so glad I've had many opportunities to blog this month so far and I hope to be able to keep it up. I can't import pictures into the post from here though but I hope you'll manage.

So! Sometimes it's really hard not to fall under other people's opinions if they just nag and nag about what they think about a certain game. But I believe it's really important to have your own opinions and as long it's not harming other people you should stick with your opinion.

Let's say for example that you're friends hate LoL (very likely *sigh*) while you enjoy playing it, how do you keep your opinions alternatively persuade them to think like you do? Here's some tips:

1. Just play it anyway
If you just do your own thing and what you like to do generally people will stop nagging about why it sucks and accept that fact that you don't have the same opinions as them. It might take a while and you even might have to ignore them hating on the game. No matter if you show that you're playing it to them, talk about it or they won't stop complaining I think you should keep playing and do your thing whether they know about it or not.

2. Tell them why you like it
Some people only hate on things because they're afraid of it or don't understand it. If you tell them exactly what is so great about your game maybe they will understand what it's about or see your point of view. Taking time to make people understand, if they're willing to listen, can often be appriciated. I believe in this because a lot of people only seem to be complaing because of their own lack of knowledge and/or insecurity.

3. Listen to your friends and argue... nicely
Either they will understand your point or they won't but you can atleast try to listen to their side of the story as well. You might even change your mind, which is fine, as long as you're not changing your mind without reason!

But if none of these tips work...

4. Arrange a LAN and only play that game until someone joins you
Everyone brings their computers. "Do you want to play CS?" "Nope." Party-pooper? Indeed, but if that is what it takes to convice your friends... go for it! I mean, it might not even work the first time but by the fourth LAN you're hosting without playing with them I am sure they would give in and at least try the game!

5. Use your headphones wisely
As soon as your friends start talking negatively about the game put on your headphones and don't take them off unless you know they have stopped talking about it. This works with in ears as well if you are downtown or at work.

6. Sing the theme song
And not just once but constantly. If they ask you to stop, do so, but start singing on it again in about ten minutes. After a few days they might ask you to stop, for real, and you will... if they start playing the game. If not, well, just keep singing!

If not even this works...

7. Tell your friends you hate them, go find new friends!
Seriously though, if you have friends that are to unlike you and it is actually bothering you, it never hurts to try and find some new friends to hang out with!

I hope you liked this comical post and I shall talk to you soon again I hope!

Bye guys!


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