Miscellaneous update on... ALL THE THINGS!
Hey hi hello!
I am in the mood of sharing and therefore: suffer and drown in all my text!
First off: Joylent! I am not eating solid food (say whaaaat?). Okay, I am eating solid food, lots. But mainly I eat this brand of soylent: https://www.joylent.eu/
It's so freaking convenient. No dishing, takes no time to prep and cheap are only the first three things to mention. In the weekends we eat solid food and it makes me look forward too food. A LOT!
So, to League of Legends (surprise surprise). I finally got my team going a bit better and we practice every week. It's so much more fun to play League with people you know; sooo less toxic. Next week I won't be able to play though as I am starting a new job! I need to work more and it's been really difficult getting any work on any of the two places I work now. Now I will be able to work in the evening and weekends which lets me focus on my studies at the same time. But next week I have a home-examination that lasts the whole week basically together with two full work days so I really need to focus.
Speaking of League of Legends... Last month I finally made it back into Silver league! Two seasons ago I was Silver II and last season I was placed in like... Bronze II perhaps? I never played my ranked that season and never got into Silver again. Therefore, this season, I thought I had had enough of bronze and grinded my way back from Bronze IV to Silver V in a few weeks. It took a hell lot of losses... but now I'm there and I'm happy until next season! ^__^
I recently got back into playing Civ V. I have been playing it before but I never owned the game. Then I was lucky enough that my friend Toste (https://twitter.com/Tozte) was handing out a copy and nobody but me wanted it! Such strange. Maybe this is a good warm-up before Civ VI is released next month! I can't believe it was six years ago Civ V was released. Time flies by quickly. Is anyone else thinking about buying Civ VI too? Perhaps for Steam Christmas Sale?
Take care nerds <3
I am in the mood of sharing and therefore: suffer and drown in all my text!

It's so freaking convenient. No dishing, takes no time to prep and cheap are only the first three things to mention. In the weekends we eat solid food and it makes me look forward too food. A LOT!
So, to League of Legends (surprise surprise). I finally got my team going a bit better and we practice every week. It's so much more fun to play League with people you know; sooo less toxic. Next week I won't be able to play though as I am starting a new job! I need to work more and it's been really difficult getting any work on any of the two places I work now. Now I will be able to work in the evening and weekends which lets me focus on my studies at the same time. But next week I have a home-examination that lasts the whole week basically together with two full work days so I really need to focus.
Speaking of League of Legends... Last month I finally made it back into Silver league! Two seasons ago I was Silver II and last season I was placed in like... Bronze II perhaps? I never played my ranked that season and never got into Silver again. Therefore, this season, I thought I had had enough of bronze and grinded my way back from Bronze IV to Silver V in a few weeks. It took a hell lot of losses... but now I'm there and I'm happy until next season! ^__^
I recently got back into playing Civ V. I have been playing it before but I never owned the game. Then I was lucky enough that my friend Toste (https://twitter.com/Tozte) was handing out a copy and nobody but me wanted it! Such strange. Maybe this is a good warm-up before Civ VI is released next month! I can't believe it was six years ago Civ V was released. Time flies by quickly. Is anyone else thinking about buying Civ VI too? Perhaps for Steam Christmas Sale?
Take care nerds <3
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