Art's nerdy blog

Hey everyone and welcome to Art's nerdy blog! It's a new fresh start of a new and even better blog... because you always get better, right? :)

Back home to blog again then.

This week-end we left at friday and came home again sunday, now a few hours ago, from Värmland (place in Sweden). Of a total I think we listen to Gangnam style about five-six times hahaha. I freaking love it. I listened to it/saw it (the video) for the first time at WCS and fell in love with it. The beat is pretty awesome and the vid is so wtf you just wanna cry and laugh at the same time.

I found these girls a bit funny as well. Laughing pretty hard sometimes!

Being in Värmland was great. We bought cheap candy...

...even though I'm trying to be healthy so this is gonna last for ever!

We had a good time at a house far away from... everything else

Gonna keep you updated more tomorrow cuz I recently just got home from work as well and need some rest!


Bye guys!


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