Hey everyone!
You know what's the most annoying thing in the world is? Being here!:

And do you know what would make me happy? This!:

It's so annoying to play silver league players constantly but never getting anywhere. Winning should be a factor to get somewhere and maybe yet I still loose too much against them but struggling here in the bronze swamp is actually very hard. It feels a little like I'm stuck and never gonna get out since I sometimes win over friends that are silver but never on the ladder. The n00b-stamp is going to fit in my face perfectly the rest of my life, I just thought for Starcraft things would be different.
Bye guys!
You know what's the most annoying thing in the world is? Being here!:
And do you know what would make me happy? This!:
It's so annoying to play silver league players constantly but never getting anywhere. Winning should be a factor to get somewhere and maybe yet I still loose too much against them but struggling here in the bronze swamp is actually very hard. It feels a little like I'm stuck and never gonna get out since I sometimes win over friends that are silver but never on the ladder. The n00b-stamp is going to fit in my face perfectly the rest of my life, I just thought for Starcraft things would be different.
Bye guys!
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