TotalBiscuit starts a Starcraft 2 team

Hey everyone!

TotalBiscuit and his wife Genna started a team just a few days ago. It's called Axiom. At the moment the team only has one player, AxCrank, and one sponsor H to the usky Husky! At the moment they are looking mainly for sponsorships and they've got a lot of people that could sign up for that so in the end that's not going to be a problem hopefully. The team won't be 100 % Korean players but it seems to be a goal that that they will be "bettering the state of eSports in Korea" and as Genna says, "many Korean SC2 players do not actually receive a salary or receive a small salary" which I think could be a great way to make them want to join their team.

I was surprised to hear that TB was gonna make his own team and since I haven't been a SC-noob for so
long I don't think I've ever been around when new teams (at least bigger teams) has been formed which
would probably explain my surprise... to me this is really cool and I hope that this team will work out. It will
be fun to see its progess, who is going to join and who will be leaving? All these questions with no answer, we'll just have to wait and see what the future has to offer...!

Bye guys!


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