Additional... supply depots required? Nah, just some additional thoughts on League of Legends

Hey y'aaall.

I just forgot to mention something I tweeted about a few weeks ago that I find really strange about League of Legends.

This is what I tweeted:

Plus a few more tweets continuing the subejct.

I know that I wouldn't want to start playing League right now. Do you understand how much either time or money... or both, that you would have to put in to get into the game? I seriously think the first 20 champions should be free to all players and that Riot should really think about what happens as they keep adding and adding champions.

Am I in the wrong here? What do other people think? I would love to talk to someone who recently started playing.because most people I try to talk into starting face the issue of having to learn a hundred champion's skills and find it really boring until they understand at least something about twenty champions.

Just a thought...


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