Short story competition

Well hi again!

Pretty much a week ago I entered a short story competition, for the magazine below, and I am crossing my fingers that I did well. I wrote about a person who is pretty much immortal in 700 words. It was really, really difficult to compress a whole story into basically one page. I think I did well though!

I've started writing more and more ever since 2013 although I've been writing basically all my life: poems, short stories, random non-categorized texts etc. etc.. I finally feel like I am writing well and a lot and it's really inspiring right now.

I'd publish the story somewhere for someone to see but unfortunately it's in Swedish so I don't think there's a huge crowd for it. Let me know if there is.

I'm having so much fun... and soon there'll be NaNoWriMo!! #woopwoop

Keep your thumbs held for me in the competition.


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