Podcast rekommendation: Tv-spelspodden

Hi guys!

This post is about a podcast in Swedish. I'd love for you to keep reading but I'm just letting you know that if you don't speak Swedish, this post might not be as useful to you as you would hope.

I just wanted to recommend this podcast to anyone out there that is tired of the worthless gaming podcasts. I follow Nintendo Voice Chat, IGN.com - Game Scoop and IGN Game Reviews but only Game Reviews ever felt compelling to me.

If you understand Swedish, Tv-spelspodden is for you. Even though the episodes are rather long (and I'm only on episode 3, of 11, because of that - aaaah!), the analyses and discussions are worth it. Compared to the other podcasts, Tv-spelspodden goes into depth into several different areas of gaming and discuss everything from the content of the game, gaming news, features and mechanics, sexism/rascism/etc. and the list goes on. The podcast is much more diverse and less "chatty" or... possibly just chatty in a more concrete, developing way.

I feel updated, informed and entertained all at the same time. I don't want to say that the other podcasts are bad but they were never really for me. I know the hosts have a pretty good following on social media but the podcast is still pretty new so I think they deserve and might need a shoutout.

And, if you are still by this post and don't know Swedish. Just let me know and I'll teach you the basics. You could learn a whole language and it would still be worth it. That's how good this podcast is! ;)

No one’s too old to have fun. Game on.

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