
Hello there, welcome to my blog!

My name is Klara "Art" Joelsson and in the gaming world I am mainly a blogger and have been blogging for around three years. Games are my biggest hobby and I love streaming them as well. I also write articles for Team Dignitas and moderator of r/dogswearinghats.

What have I done?
Some awesome things that I have done is interviewing LivinPink, Hellspawn, Warspawn and more. I have had access to DreamHack's press area. I also used to be a writer for Team Property, Sweden's biggest e-sports team, as well as for Team Dignitas.

What games do you play?
Loads of single player games, whenever I have money to buy them. My favorites are the Starcraft campaign, Alice: Madness returns, The Sims, Dishonored, Dear Esther and Life is Strange. Right now, in sept 2016, the single player games that I am playing is Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

I also play loads of League of Legends and practice with a team once a week.

Other multiplayers I play are Starcraft 2, CS:GO and Hearthstone... but very rarely.

Rating system disclaimer
Rating systems in the gaming community are usually way off. All reviewed games get a 6 or higher even though the scale is from 1-10. It's been discussed and I agree that the system is in fact off at the moment. Most people would not buy games that got below 8 in scoring, however, many still buy indie games etc they haven't seen a review of that would perhaps only get a 5. When I score I try to be as correct as possible and a 5 does not mean it's a bad game. 5 is average and usually a normal and/or good score. In aspiration to change the system we have today, expect lower ratings from me than you usually see somewhere else.


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