Hey everyone!
My life seems to get more and more busy sometimes. Graduating took a lot of time for days and I was exhausted for so long. Then I had to watch my sister's puppy several times, work and then all of a sudden there was DreamHack summer. For the swedes, go to
teamproperty.net to read what's been going on and for the rest of you, I'll try writing more again now, had a big break now hadn't I? :)
So all the things that happened that I wish to tell you about was such a long time ago that I will start from where I am now, DreamHack summer.
First of all I got a presspass for those of you that didn't know. I got it because I'm writing for Team Property (a swedish team with LoL-, Starcraft-, Street fighter-players etc) and that's what I've been busy with for the last days. What's also good is that I can borrow their internet now for a minute so I can start this post so I might be able to post this earlier when I get home.
Also, since we've been sleeping in a camping car I haven't been able to recharge my phone except when using their computers, thanks a lot to that!
These days have been incredible. I've been to DreamHack many times before but never for the whole event. So this experience has really been different and I hope for my life that I can come back for the whole event again sometime!
The first day I didn't sleep a minute. We packed and had a lot to do before leaving the day after. I slept 4 hours and got up around 6, going to Jönköping from my town is a lot traveling, atleast if it's by car. Then we encountered every problem possible on the way and got there around 2 pm.
NaNiwa |
There wasn't much "important" things to do/write the first day so we just walked around, watched so groupstages in Starcraft and then I wrote a short summary for Property when the day was over.
Second day was more fun. More Starcraft, more to do, met ThorZaIN, met more people, everything was just very good.
The last day was AWESOME. SjoW went very far in the tournament and I was so happy for Team Property. It's wierd because it's "my team" but I still feel outside of it. Not because they're behaving bad towards me but because they have such a strong connection together, it's really nice to watch from my perspective.
The Starcraft show was also epic and really made that last day!
As you also might now, if you follow me on twitter, I fell ill a couple of days before DreamHack and my throat got worse and worse every day. Today, it's almost so bad that I can't speak. It's very hard to speak up and when I speak for 10 minutes I start coughing and it's even harder to speak. But I don't care because I went to DreamHack, I cheered no matter what and I can't go to work tomorrow (telemarketer) which do suck actually hahaha.
But now I'm tired of writing, been taking every minute here and there that I've had the last few days so I'd be able to publish this long post. Now, I took around 400 pictures on DreamHack so enjoy a feeeeew good of them.
Bye guys!
Cool cosplayer girl |
Some commercial things from team Property hahah |
Kerrigan just looking awesome |
Coca-cola is necessary! |
Hahah having fun with bf and camera :) |
Happsi! |
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