Theme week - Harry Potter
Hey everone! Even though it's Wednesday it's the second day of the theme week.
Today I'd shortly like to talk shortly what I think about each film. Before the theme week I saw all the 8 films just to refresh my memory... as if I would need that... But I'm as prepared as I could be.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
This film, as well as the chamber of secrets, was directed by Chris Columbus and you can tell his take on the film plus such young children involed.. and maybe a bit the way Rowling wrote to.. that it's a very childish film. It's still all about Voldemort but the music, the colours and everything makes the film much lighter than the other ones will be later on in the series.

I like the Philosopher's stone and I must've watched it like a million times. I know exactly what's going to happen when and I don't think a second before quoting every line.
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
With the same director you can still notice the lighter tone in this film. Sometimes I don't know whether it's bad planning or if it's meant to be darker and darker with every films as the children age but it doesn't really matter I guess.
This is the film I like the least, I'm not really sure why that is. I feel like it shouldn't be because of the light tone since I have no problem with the Philosopher's stone and the actors are the same pretty much so I struggle with understanding why but I think I've always felt this way. Somehow I think it could be because I liked the first one a lot and then the third too but then the chamber of secrets just wasn't as good and I just felt like it was bad... haha!
I love the scene where Harry frees Dobby though... love it!
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
This is absolutely one of the best films they made. I love this one. I think I like it becuase I came into an age where I related more to the characters but also because the humor was different and it wasn't as light before. Now, I don't want to say I'm all tragic and black but I feel like the first two films were light enough and things should've started becoming more serious now. Oh, and Sirius, while speaking of serious, and Lupin are the greatest characters of all time! I love them as much as the film, everything just clicked for me with this film I think.

I can't even believe the film was released in 2004, it feels like it was yesterday. Because the actors look older, the film is different from the others and because I like it so much it could have been yesterday too.
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
Even though the chamber of secrets is the film I like the least, the goblet of fire is the one I wish they've done a lot more different. There're a lot of things in the film that are left out from the book, just one example is the house elves, where did they go?! There were a lot of big things happening with them and Hermione, like, where's Winky? Another thing is why humble Dumbleore goes all rage on Harry when he askes if he had put his name in the goblet, in the book he just askes him nicely, stop changing the characters!

Otherwise it's a good film. *SPOILER* Cedric dies and Voldemort's back, what else could be better? No, but the film in itself is well directed, I love the Yule ball, love the challenges and the humor is also a lot of fun still. The Quidditch cup and porting there aswell as the band at the Yule ball are so good things if you want to get into their "culture".
Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
This is one of the films that make me very upset. I'm so frustrated by Cornelius Fudge during the whole film. "HE'S NOT.. BACK!" YES, he is you stupid minister. Minister, can you actually be the minister of magic if you rufuse to listen to Harry Potter himself about Voldemort, like really, would he lie about his returnal just for fun?! And then he puts his faith in Umbridge... can't even explain how much he upsets me!
Watch from 3:00 if you're not so interested
I like how much effort they've put into Dumbledore's army in the film too. It is a huge part of it all, they have a lot of fun and learn a bunch of things from Harry. In the film they've put as much humor into it as in the books too. Filch trying as hard as he can to get into the room of requirement but keeps on failing and Umbridge's face each time he fails... ahh... good feelings.
Harry Potter and the half-blood prince
The half-blood prince feels like a film they thought about a lot. The whole film feels very structured.
I also like how things aren't always shown from Harry's perspective atleast once in every film from this one to the end. For example in the beginning of this film when Snape and Narcissa swear the unbreakable vow. I wish however that they would've spoken more about what that really is. In the film Narcissa just say "Protect Draco" and then Ron says that in unbreakable vows you die if you break it. And in all honesty that might be all that there is to it but they could have been a bit more clear with it all.

What this film does with brilliance though is the felix felicis. I would say that you could thank Daniel Radcliffe for that with his brilliant acting but it has a lot to do with the script and the actor for Slughorn too. It's all just so brilliant.
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1
For one thing before starting on if I like the film I just wanted to mention that I'm so happy Alexandre Desplat made the music for this film. If you haven't heard him before, go check him out on Spotify or youtube!
So once again this film has much humor and it's much more out there than in the first couple of films, it's visibale so much more often in a way. The polyjuice potion part is a very good example. Again Daniel makes a great job even when not playing Harry and the script is written so funnily.
Watch from 1:45 if you're not so interested
I have a few problems with the film though like when Harry just happen to find Gryffindor's sword on the bottom of the lake. I don't remember how that's presented in the books but I don't like how it's put in the film anyway.
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2
This film... the last film... what can I say? After the sixth film I was really dreading the day I would watch this film and see Harry Potter coming to an end. The book series was already over for me but I still had the films to look forward to. Even though being a fan of the books I've liked the films a lot, in difference of many other fans apparently.

But it never came to an disappointment or feeling of emptyness as it did in the books. Even though I cried, and still do, when Dobby died the film was good and was good enough not to be sad when it was over. I'm glad that the ending lets you breathe after the final battle, Harry destorys the wand and life goes on. Bye bye Harry Potter.. :)
Today I'd shortly like to talk shortly what I think about each film. Before the theme week I saw all the 8 films just to refresh my memory... as if I would need that... But I'm as prepared as I could be.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone
This film, as well as the chamber of secrets, was directed by Chris Columbus and you can tell his take on the film plus such young children involed.. and maybe a bit the way Rowling wrote to.. that it's a very childish film. It's still all about Voldemort but the music, the colours and everything makes the film much lighter than the other ones will be later on in the series.
I like the Philosopher's stone and I must've watched it like a million times. I know exactly what's going to happen when and I don't think a second before quoting every line.
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets
With the same director you can still notice the lighter tone in this film. Sometimes I don't know whether it's bad planning or if it's meant to be darker and darker with every films as the children age but it doesn't really matter I guess.
This is the film I like the least, I'm not really sure why that is. I feel like it shouldn't be because of the light tone since I have no problem with the Philosopher's stone and the actors are the same pretty much so I struggle with understanding why but I think I've always felt this way. Somehow I think it could be because I liked the first one a lot and then the third too but then the chamber of secrets just wasn't as good and I just felt like it was bad... haha!
I remember owning a poster looking like this. It must have hung on my wall for years... |
I love the scene where Harry frees Dobby though... love it!
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban
This is absolutely one of the best films they made. I love this one. I think I like it becuase I came into an age where I related more to the characters but also because the humor was different and it wasn't as light before. Now, I don't want to say I'm all tragic and black but I feel like the first two films were light enough and things should've started becoming more serious now. Oh, and Sirius, while speaking of serious, and Lupin are the greatest characters of all time! I love them as much as the film, everything just clicked for me with this film I think.
I can't even believe the film was released in 2004, it feels like it was yesterday. Because the actors look older, the film is different from the others and because I like it so much it could have been yesterday too.
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire
Even though the chamber of secrets is the film I like the least, the goblet of fire is the one I wish they've done a lot more different. There're a lot of things in the film that are left out from the book, just one example is the house elves, where did they go?! There were a lot of big things happening with them and Hermione, like, where's Winky? Another thing is why humble Dumbleore goes all rage on Harry when he askes if he had put his name in the goblet, in the book he just askes him nicely, stop changing the characters!
Otherwise it's a good film. *SPOILER* Cedric dies and Voldemort's back, what else could be better? No, but the film in itself is well directed, I love the Yule ball, love the challenges and the humor is also a lot of fun still. The Quidditch cup and porting there aswell as the band at the Yule ball are so good things if you want to get into their "culture".
Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix
This is one of the films that make me very upset. I'm so frustrated by Cornelius Fudge during the whole film. "HE'S NOT.. BACK!" YES, he is you stupid minister. Minister, can you actually be the minister of magic if you rufuse to listen to Harry Potter himself about Voldemort, like really, would he lie about his returnal just for fun?! And then he puts his faith in Umbridge... can't even explain how much he upsets me!
Watch from 3:00 if you're not so interested
I like how much effort they've put into Dumbledore's army in the film too. It is a huge part of it all, they have a lot of fun and learn a bunch of things from Harry. In the film they've put as much humor into it as in the books too. Filch trying as hard as he can to get into the room of requirement but keeps on failing and Umbridge's face each time he fails... ahh... good feelings.
Harry Potter and the half-blood prince
The half-blood prince feels like a film they thought about a lot. The whole film feels very structured.
I also like how things aren't always shown from Harry's perspective atleast once in every film from this one to the end. For example in the beginning of this film when Snape and Narcissa swear the unbreakable vow. I wish however that they would've spoken more about what that really is. In the film Narcissa just say "Protect Draco" and then Ron says that in unbreakable vows you die if you break it. And in all honesty that might be all that there is to it but they could have been a bit more clear with it all.
What this film does with brilliance though is the felix felicis. I would say that you could thank Daniel Radcliffe for that with his brilliant acting but it has a lot to do with the script and the actor for Slughorn too. It's all just so brilliant.
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1
For one thing before starting on if I like the film I just wanted to mention that I'm so happy Alexandre Desplat made the music for this film. If you haven't heard him before, go check him out on Spotify or youtube!
So once again this film has much humor and it's much more out there than in the first couple of films, it's visibale so much more often in a way. The polyjuice potion part is a very good example. Again Daniel makes a great job even when not playing Harry and the script is written so funnily.
Watch from 1:45 if you're not so interested
I have a few problems with the film though like when Harry just happen to find Gryffindor's sword on the bottom of the lake. I don't remember how that's presented in the books but I don't like how it's put in the film anyway.
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2
This film... the last film... what can I say? After the sixth film I was really dreading the day I would watch this film and see Harry Potter coming to an end. The book series was already over for me but I still had the films to look forward to. Even though being a fan of the books I've liked the films a lot, in difference of many other fans apparently.
But it never came to an disappointment or feeling of emptyness as it did in the books. Even though I cried, and still do, when Dobby died the film was good and was good enough not to be sad when it was over. I'm glad that the ending lets you breathe after the final battle, Harry destorys the wand and life goes on. Bye bye Harry Potter.. :)
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