Theme week - Harry Potter
Hey everyone!
In my whole life I always saw myself as a Gryffindor. Not because I'm particularly brave or anything but rather because I always just wanted to be there. I never really saw myself as anything rather but I just thought Gryffindor was the coolest house. Now, if I were to be placed in any house... I don't think I'd ever fit in anywhere. I'm not brave, evil, supersmart or superloyal. I mean, I guess I'm more smart and loyal than brave and evil but still, it's hard to tell where I would be.
Or, it's not so hard since Pottermore was created and has it's own sorting... I now have a house.
For a few moments after my sorting it was hard to comprehend what house I was sorted into. I was almost angry and sad. For someone that isn't so involved in Harry Potter I guess it would seem like a pretty silly thing, which it also is, but I was still really sad.

You might have guessed it at this point, I was placed in Slytherin. For me, Slytherin was always the "bad" guys, especially as a child where you have a hard time seeing any different than black and white. I had friends that liked cheering for Slytherin and I never liked or admired that.
In a bit I somewhere started to feel and think that it wasn't so bad after all, partially because I had too and partially because the most accurate test on earth told me I was a Slytherin. I clicked next and came into the common room. There was a welcoming letter to me that really helped me come over the problem I had. The house of Slytherin, I think it was a girl but I can't remember her name, told me I was to be proud being placed in the best house of Hogwarts. Everyone in Slytherin is cunning and ambitious and yes, many dark wizards were Slytherins but there wasn't one that after school weren't great in any way. Merlin was also a Slytherin, Snape too, and these people were people to admire. Not everyone's bad in Slytherin and I might need to look closely for good friends but that's okay!
I now see being in Slytherin as a test. Other people interested in Harry Potter will think they know me when I tell them I'm a Slytherin but they will be wrong. Proving to be a good person when you're in Slytherin will become a great task but I'm willing to take it on. People that won't be interesting in talking to me because I'm a Slytherin are only judgemental and I don't want to be their friend anyway.
Bye guys!
In my whole life I always saw myself as a Gryffindor. Not because I'm particularly brave or anything but rather because I always just wanted to be there. I never really saw myself as anything rather but I just thought Gryffindor was the coolest house. Now, if I were to be placed in any house... I don't think I'd ever fit in anywhere. I'm not brave, evil, supersmart or superloyal. I mean, I guess I'm more smart and loyal than brave and evil but still, it's hard to tell where I would be.
Or, it's not so hard since Pottermore was created and has it's own sorting... I now have a house.
For a few moments after my sorting it was hard to comprehend what house I was sorted into. I was almost angry and sad. For someone that isn't so involved in Harry Potter I guess it would seem like a pretty silly thing, which it also is, but I was still really sad.

You might have guessed it at this point, I was placed in Slytherin. For me, Slytherin was always the "bad" guys, especially as a child where you have a hard time seeing any different than black and white. I had friends that liked cheering for Slytherin and I never liked or admired that.
In a bit I somewhere started to feel and think that it wasn't so bad after all, partially because I had too and partially because the most accurate test on earth told me I was a Slytherin. I clicked next and came into the common room. There was a welcoming letter to me that really helped me come over the problem I had. The house of Slytherin, I think it was a girl but I can't remember her name, told me I was to be proud being placed in the best house of Hogwarts. Everyone in Slytherin is cunning and ambitious and yes, many dark wizards were Slytherins but there wasn't one that after school weren't great in any way. Merlin was also a Slytherin, Snape too, and these people were people to admire. Not everyone's bad in Slytherin and I might need to look closely for good friends but that's okay!
I now see being in Slytherin as a test. Other people interested in Harry Potter will think they know me when I tell them I'm a Slytherin but they will be wrong. Proving to be a good person when you're in Slytherin will become a great task but I'm willing to take it on. People that won't be interesting in talking to me because I'm a Slytherin are only judgemental and I don't want to be their friend anyway.
Bye guys!
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