November, NaNoWriMo and puppy

Woah guys.

What happened? November really just flew by. I have been so busy I felt like my whole life was falling behind me but now I feel back on track and I even started looking at Christmas gifts. Can't believe I didn't blog at all in November.

I guess that's what happens when you commit to NaNoWriMo. Because for the first time since I started entering... I finished! I finished NaNoWriMo. How? Yeah, don't ask. I was soooo tired some days.

Another lucky thing was that I got my puppy the 30th of November which I wouldn't have been able to juggle if I was gonna write NaNo too.

So I wrote a book. I actually wrote a book. And now I'm celebrating by pretending not to have an exam next week and just cuddling with my little gal.

She's the sweetest. Probably the cuddliest dog ever.

I'm not sure what else to say. It's like I want to summarize so much that I have nothing to write.

I'll leave you with what the book is about:

"When Stephanie returns a book she finds on the bus but it only ends up returning back to her home she is very curious and wonders who on earth is sending her this book. In an attempt to find out who she starts writing in the book and that's when really strange things start to happen."

And if anyone is interested in reading it I'd be so happy if you got in touch! I'd love for the novel to not just end up in a drawer... figuratively.


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