Mini-review - Full of Stars

Oh, hey! Hi there.

Sooo for the first time in forever *bursting out in Frost-singing* I have a real and legit excuse for not blogging since... wait, it hasn't been a month yet. I am on top of this. But! Since I want to tell you this story anyway I'm going to just say it anyway. I haven't blogged because I haven't had internet in what, like 9 days? NINE DAYS GUYS. I even lost it on my phone like two days back. Uh, does this count as an excuse? No matter! Why did I not have internet you ask? Because I moved to a house! A house. I live in a house now. Nothing fancy but it is not too shabby either. We really love it here and are so happy to have a yard for the dogs, a fireplace, sauna etc. (I'm making this sound fancy, am I not?). Off topic. I'm sorry.

Here's the nerdy part: In periods I am a complete sucker for mobile games. Sometimes because some of them are very compelling (Opus - Rocket of Whispers, Stranger Things etc. - look them up) and sometimes because I become completely addicted and it isn't healthy (not so much anymore though).

One game I have not been immersing myself into for hours on end but that I have definately given a fair share of tries is "Full of Stars". Combining a sort of old school, retro arcade feel with some interactive replay value ( "Full of Stars" delivers an innovative (and you know how much I love innovative games) experience that makes you go "huh!" a few times because of its replay value. The game has so many elements to it you won't get tired of it.

Read the full review on Toucharcade if you are interested or just go download it if you have a few minutes to spare. And let me know what you thought of it!


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