16 nerdy things to do when you're bored

Hey everyone!

The other day I was really bored! It very rarely happens to me, that I'm bored, but for some reason I just couldn't find something I wanted to do that day. Google is always my friend when I'm bored... I can google anything! Or I'm on Reddit/r/aww browsing through ten pages. You can really get stuck on the internet when being bored and it really just drains the time you could have done something productive or fun with!

Anyway, it inspired me to do a list about things people can do when they are bored, or for me to get back to if I'm bored some day.

1. Pretend to have a laser sword
Go ahead, do it, I know you've done it before anyway. Play like a child and don't forget the sound effects!

2. Play a game
This might not be very helpful, I'm sorry, this one is obvious. But sometimes it's really worth dusting off and old game you haven't played or buy one you're not sure if you'll like just to try it out!

3. Re-watch your favorite series of films
It could be any series. If you're bored Star wars or the Lord of the Rings can really take up your whole day. Anime, child's cartoons, Harry Potter or the big bang theory are approved too!

4. Watch Geek and Sundry on YouTube
Whether you love board games, retro games or comics you can find it all there. Just... go check it out if you don't know what I'm talking about! http://www.youtube.com/user/geekandsundry

5. Read a good book
There's something nerdy about loving books so go ahead and pick up any book you wish. Extra nerdy suggestions are Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games or Ready Player One.

6. Start a streaming channel, YouTube channel or blog
Go ahead and do what I'm doing right now! Write about a nerdy interest of yours. All the mediums are open for you to get going right now so just do it!

7. Write a fan letter
Write a fan letter to a pro-gamer, actor/actress or anyone else in the nerdy spectrum that you like! You might not get very much out of it in the end but the receiver will be very happy.

8. Dress up
Have kids? Play dress up with them! Halloween? Make a nerdy outfit. Make-up and everything included! Buy make-up, clothes or anything that you can use in the future to be the nerdiest at a party!

9. Make a goal for this year...
... and start working on it!

10. Have friends over for a nerdy evening
Watch a film, take that time to show off what nerdy outfits you've just bought (hint hint) and serve themed food! Play a board game. Play co-op console games. There's no end to what could be done with more than one people at a nerdy party.

11. Learn pi
Now I know 3.1415 is just the beginning of pi. Go learn at least ten more digits!

12. Google it
What ever it is you want to know more about. Technical issues, programming, lore... google it!

13. Back-up your computer
Or at least copy important files to a memory!

14. Clean!
Clean out your computer. It should be done at least yearly! Games, films, documents, music - anything - just open up some space.

15. Write fan fiction
A boat you wished to sail that never did? Make it your own!

16. Watch streams
One good thing that will improve your own gaming is watching other streams... but it could of course be done just for fun too of course!

Hope that will help you next time you're bored, it would have helped me the other day anyway!

Bye guys!


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