Shall I post more about my "accomplishments"?

Hey everyone!

First of all I just wanted to notify you that I might be streaming the "horror" game Gone home in just an hour or two, depends on when I decide to make dinner. It has been getting a lot of good criticism so I decided to give it a go. Playing it in the evening will make me scared to death but I guess having people watching me cry on stream should be fun ;)   ... for you! :(

I've been meaning to talk about my new years resolution but I haven't had the time until now. So now, you'll get the story from the beginning. Back in 2012, somewhere around when I started the blog, I set up something I decided to call accomplishments. I had to finish them the same year that they were set up so naturally I wanted new ones in 2013. That's when I decided that they were some sort of mix between a new years resolution and a bucket list. But... in 2012 I did set up 10 massive goals to finish that year which I didn't... and... I even have some left still (no kidding, they were massive). So last year I only decided to have one more accomplishment but still didn't make the whole list of three-four that were left. This year, I put two new accomplishments on the list and I will try to finish all the accomplishments this year... I will try harder! And... I think I will write about the progress but I'm not sure if it's interesting. Is it? Let me now!

Accomplishments of 2014
Priority 1 - From 2012:
1. Listen to all Harry Potter books. I'm on the Goblet of Fire... yeah...
2. Watch the complete first season of Pokémon. I had no idea when I put up this goal that only the first season had 82 episodes but I'm proud to say that I'm on the 54th!
3.Write a short story on at least 3 200 words. I've been busy with the first two goals but since I attended NaNoWriMo I think I've achieved this one; have to look it up!
4. Run 13 kilometers. I was close to achieving this when I had been running 5.6 kilometers and tried on the double 11.2 kilometers. I have an old knee injury though and I hurt me knee when pushing myself so hard that I had pain for over a week... sigh... I don't know how to finish this goal really but I'll make it somehow!

Priority 2 - From 2013:
5. Make three YouTube videos. During 2013 I only made one and had two to go but now that I uploaded the Hearthstone videos it should be done, right? Yes!

Priority 3 - 2014:
1. Smash a guitar. I'm not sure I will afford it but it's something I have to do some day.
2. Become ranked in CS. Like really.. I've owned the game in like for ever and I still have 5 placement games to play.

Something I did achieve though, in 2013, was to become top 50 silver in Starcraft which I'm very happy about!

Thanks for reading
Bye guys!


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