1 documenraty, 2 games!

Hey everyone!

I, once again, wanted to talk about girls in gaming. I know I do it a lot and I can get sick of girls that are overdoing it, girls that think they are cool or want attention or what ever, so that's why I find it important to show of the girls that just play because it's fun and just want to be accepted! I hope you'll see this only as girls that want to play, that like to play and not as girls that think they are special for playing because even though a lot of girls that do it for the attention stand out doesn't mean all of us do!

Here's the "fatsluttyugly"-site. I wouldn't like anyone  to be hated/bullied over the internet and I hope this shows that not only girls get hate on the internet but more that it's actually there and happening to guys too, I just want a stop to it, for everyone!
  Things like "Hey sexy" and "You're hot" are things that could be written to both genders for example. Both girls and guys seem to have a problem with understanding why this is offensive to some people though. Naturally, I would get happy if my bf told me I was sexy and hot but when you're online and you only get this because you're a girl, they haven't even seen your face/body, they don't care about who you are and you know they're clearly unfamiliar with girls that are gaming it's just annoying. And when you encounter these messages almost on a daily basis (together with "cunt", "get back to the kitchen" aso) people need to realize this is annoying to a lot of girls (and maybe boys too!). Even nice things like "Marry me" can be the last thing you want to hear some days. And when characters in games even can state that this is no place for a girl , "Dames have no place in Left 4 dead" or horribly slutty girls are the only girls in most games I believe it's just more encouraging to guys...

But on to something else I didn't like, Painkiller HD. I tried playing the game when it was FTP on Steam a week ago or so but I couldn't stand it! I played 5 minutes of the single player and then 5 minutes of the multiplayer and the multiplayer was even worse than the single player... I really couldn't stand it!

I tried figuring out what about it I didn't like about it but I couldn't come to any conclusion. I watched "WTF is Painkiller HD", watched pure gameplay and read a review aswell and nowhere I could find anyone disliking it particulary much. I guess it was too much shooting for no purpose or something...? Does anyone have this experience as well? Share it with me in that case, or please, share if you think the opposite too, I need to know what's so good about that game!

Oh, and before I go, remember I told you about recieving "War of the roses"? Well now I've tried it out and it was a really nice game! I wouldn't in the world pay what it costs on Steam but for free, hell yeah it's nice. What I liked about it the most I think is they way it feels like something new, it's like going in to BF or CS but everything is suddenly melee (except for like one class). If you find a discount on it somewhere I would totally recommend it! On Steam it's for 19 euro but I don't think I would have felt satisfied paying that much, that's up to you! It's a good game in itself, it is.

Bye guys!


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