Pottermore - finally something

Hey everyone!

Since I've been a little bit annoyed with Pottermore I thought I'd update something I actually like about it. If you click this link you come to the e-books and digital audio books that finally came out after so much talking about it


The complete Harry Potter collection eBook - 48.65 €
The complete Harry Potter digital audio book collection - 210.69 €

You can also buy two library books and of course each book separately.

I'm glad this feature came out since nothing else seems to be happening on the site...


Since I wrote that down Pottermore has added on both the chamber of secrets and the prisoner from Azkaban that you can play.

I think they've released the whole book now though

I'm still on the chamber of secrets so now I finally have something to do when I log in there. There's so much to read I barely get through the chapters haha. I don't know if Pottermore is still in the beta and I haven't been able to find out if it is either but give it a go and try to register if you find it interesting, you will have a lot to do! What's new in tPoA is that you're going to be able to read what the leaves in teacups tell you, something that hasn't been announced but I wish for a lot is to get your own patronus too...

Bye guys!


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