Fright week - Amnesia Justine

Helloooo ladies and gentlemen! Today is February 17th 2013 and it is Art's nerdy blog you've just tuned in to. In today's blogpost we'll be trying to impersonate Mr. Sean "Day9" Plott, inventor of the Day9 daily but also the awesome idea of "fright week". And that's the best impersonation I have, imagine it with a girly but pretty similar voice to Day9 and you'll be fine.

Every Halloween Day9 plays a horror game over the holiday. Last Halloween Day9 decided to play the mod of Amnesia "Justine" and I've been watching that only now. I just wanted to share the video with you today since I don't only find it hilarious to watch Day9 play but I find it to be a fantastic mod in itself, much better than the Nyan cat mod... -__-''

So here's the first part of the videos, I hope you'll be able to find the other ones yourselves!

Oh wow my boyfriend is really multitasking here by my side, playing Starcraft and crawling under the table (something went wrong with his mouse or headphones or what it is he's blabbering about). He didn't even get supply capped or anything haha!

Well! What else has been up lately? Oh yeah! For the first time I checked out Magic: The gathering (by videos) and it seem reeeally fun (coincidence that Day9 likes Magic)! I wish someone I know would play it though, feels worthless to buy a bunch of cards and don't have anyone to play with, right? If you don't know what I'm speaking of it's "just" a card game. Of course I found a "WTF is..." for you in case you want to explore what it's about.

That's all I had for today, hope you'll have a wonderful Saturday wherever you are!

Bye guuuuys!


  1. me and my geek pals in hallsta plays magic, but im sure VÄS got magic players aswell.

  2. That's cool! I found a few friends that do it and have tried it now. I heard VÄS has torunaments each Friday, could be fun if you learn the game a bit better


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