Interview with Livinpink!

Hey everyone! The inteview is ready. I had a huge problem when trying to put it up though. When I recorded it all... it only recorded my voice because I missed marking the button where I want everything to be recorded, her voice as well. So I had to write everything just from what I remembered. We spoke for around 40 minutes so the content that I'll put up here will never match that and I'm sorry but I'm not professional enough to have good programes, mics and so on... *sigh*.. Atleast not yet! I'm not gonna hold you from reading the interview though, let's make what we can of it, so here we go:

You're called Gen but your nick online is LivinPink, how did you come up with that name?

Well it's kind of a long story but I'll go for it. I used to call myself PinkTiger but apparently there was company called the same so I started getting a lot of spam so I decided to change it just two weeks after I got it. So when I tried making up a new name it was around the time when the sims 2 had released the expansion "Living large" and I just kind of took "livin" from there and since I liked pink I chose "LivinPink". I wanted something with an animal in the name too much I decided not to use that since I couldn't fit it in. But I don't only like pink like one can think but "La vie en rose" means something like "The pink life" and it means that you see life from a positve point of view.

You're from Canada, what do you think of Canada as a country?

Well I like Canada, I do, the only thing I don't really like that much is that it can be a little bit cold here.

Well do you always want to live there?

I think I could move to California because it's a little bit like the united states's Montreal, which is where I live now. I think I could also find myself to move to New York but I also think it's a little bit too hectic there. I think I'd rather live in California, warm up there, and maybe move to New York later in that case.

You both play and stream both SC2 and LoL for Eternity gaming and you recently became Diamond in SC2, are you playing most WoL or have you gotten into Hots as well?

I mostly play WoL because I saw that a torunament I'm attending will be WoL so I'm preparing for that and will continue with WoL a little while. I feel like the other pros have started playing HotS a lot but not me but I think I have time to be good at HotS too. And I have played HotS a little bit and I like it because I feel that it favours my playstyle somewhat with the hellions/hellbats. I also like the widow mines.

What do you stream most out of SC2 and LoL?

I think I stream them both about as much, maybe I stream SC2 more, I don't know exactly. I don't like one or the other better because they kind of go together for me. Starcraft is the game where I compete and challenge myself where LoL is a little bit more laidback and I can play that before I go to bed. Not because LoL is easier or worse but it's not the same as Starcraft.

You talked about attending a tournament before, do you attend many tournaments?

I've been to MLG and IPL but I don't win in those big tournaments because I'm just not good enough yet and I then there aren't that many more tournaments except those I can attend online so I think I should just practise more instead.

But you're also a playhem caster, the community outreach officer for CyberActive and team Dignitas event interviewer... how do you have time for all of this? 

Well I don't think it's so stressful because they go together a lot too, sometimes I need to attend meeting but no, it doesn't take up much time on my schedule. Interviewer for team Dignitas isn't something I've started doing either and it will be more in the future so right now that's not taking up my time either.

What's hardest one to do?

I think the hardest one is to cast. You do learn a lot but you need to be very much into the game, be updated and good at the game and I mean... I'm not Artosis you know.

Well who's as good as Artosis?! But casting could also be very developing because you see good players play and then you comment on it and maybe that can give a better understanding of the game, can it not?

Yes you really can, I remember once that I casted and I actually just realized why the zergplayer was spreading the creep the way it did, that was one of those moments.

Just a random question since you recently got into diamond league just recently, do you think you do gangnam style good because I thought it was hilarious to see you dance! 

No I think it was horrible but I do think I'm better actually, in fact I danced it on a dancegame and I was much better then. I think I was just so excited when it happen that the whole thing became rather random.

Why did you do it?

Because I did say that if I'd reach diamond league I would do Gangnam style so I had to do it then.

Did you get any compliments for the dancing?

No, I didn't but not many people told me it was bad either. I just think most people congratulated me for reaching diamond.

I heard you starting playing at a young age around five, can you tell me about growing up with games?

I had two brothers that had a NES each and they were only there on the week-ends. I always wanted to try playing a game so one time I did and I thought it was really fun. I continued borrowing their NES and I actually would only like a babysitter that liked to play with me and otherwise I wouldn't like then. I didn't know a lot of people that played games and those I knew I was often better at so I thought I was like the queen of games because you never played online either...

And then you played Starcraft!
Yeah and it was much harder! But after that I've just been playing games my whole life. I've never really seen it as my passion or anything but when I think back on it now it's a hobby and something that has been with me my whole life.

So what's your favorite game of all times then?

I love Mario and Starcraft. I think I like Super Mario World because it was my first side scroller game and I think I like Starcraft because it made me get into e-sport and see that there was a big scene around that.

Right now you're in lawschool...

Actually I just finished.

Oh, wow, congratulations! What did you think about lawschool?

I liked lawschool but it was really tough, the theoretical part is really hard. It was never a passion for the profession that made me do it, it was more just a thing I said I wanted to accomplish and I did. And now that I'm into e-sports it does also feel good to fall back on being a lawyer if this of some reason wouldn't work out. It's gaming that I want to pursue right now, just see where it goes, but you never know what's going to happen.

What's your best advice for someone that wants to be a professional gamer too?

If you want to be a professional gamer I think you actually just have to play and play. If you want to be a part of the community like an interviewer or something I think you just have to be there and do interviews ad work hard. Some people think you can just go there and interview one person and you're going to be famous but it doesn't work that way. I have probably put more money into going to MLG and stuff than I have gotten back. I didn't get paid for any interview I did because I just did them myself but people don't believe you when you say that.

Did you get a lot of support while trying to be a gamer and playing as a kid? I mean both by the commuity and your parents?

I've always gotten support from my parents, that's never been a problem. Actually they decided that they would buy me a Nintendo64 if I had good grades. They support me now too. They saw that I worked hard with gaming and when I talked about gaming all of a sudden I could just talk and talk even though I'm a little bit of a shy person otherwise. They're like go after your dream, try it out, so yeah they support me.

How have you percieved being a girl in the community? Sometimes you get a lot of bashing or sexual harassment but you can also get a lot of attension for being a girl just because it's unusual which is both good and bad, how do you see it?

As you say it can be both good and bad. As a caster it's not good though. Nobody likes a girl that cast for some reason. They don't like your voice, they complain that I don't know the game and so on.

That is a bit wierd too, haven't they heard girls speak before? Every girl sounds different from guys so it's wierd they're bothered by it just when it's a girl caster.

Yeah! Once when I was casting with a guy that was gold league everyone kept asking me what league I was and then just dismissed me. This was when I was platinum but no one asked what league the guy was or complained that he knew less of the game though he was only gold.

And gold is not that bad, it's not bronze, and you're even better than that. I think you just have to listen to more girls talk and at some point girls are talking and there will be more casters and players that are girls so why not just get used to it? It's also a good way for girls to feel more comfortable to do it themselves when they're not alone.

Yes I agree, I don't think Milkies was too bad a caster in genereal but she got a lot of critisism for it. As an interviewer anyway I don't think it's better or worse to be a girl. People might complain about your voice but not that much. As a player it can be a plus because you can get a big viewership if people want to watch because it's a girl. Usually they come just to bash and tune in to see "Was it a girl? Yes and she was terrible". But as long as you have good mods and ignore those people a lot of people will tune in and stay. If you do that, it's really positive and fun to be a girl. I also think girls are slowly incorporated into the gaming world and if you introduce them to more "casual" games and not like Starcraft right away I think you can get them to like it.

Moving on, how do you think the year of gaming will be 2013? Is there any specific game you're looking forward to?

I look forward to HotS obviously but except that I don't look forward to anything special really. I would love some sort of Portal 3, maybe a new mario galaxy game and I would actually like a Limbo 2. But I don't look  forward to anything special really, I'm really pleased with LoL and SC at the moment anyway.

Would you consider yourself a nerd in any other way except playing games? Like Star wars or maths or something.

Good question, I haven't thought much about that. But... not really. Maybe going through law school could count as kind of nerdy? I... I don't really know if I am, I guess it's mostly games. I do like a lot of tv-seriers though... like Dexter, Six feet under, just many of the American shows that aren't too cheesy. But yeah, mostly games, I like playing more than reader and it just is what it is.

Thanks for taking you time.

Well thank you!

If you want to see more of LivinPink you can follow her here on her twitter,, facebook,  or tune in to her stream at

Bye guys!


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