DreamHack open

Hey everyone!

I'm lying in bed with my phone, it's 08.50 and I have to get up in 20 minutes, but I couldn't keep myself from blogging. I feel like a child on my birthday waiting but I'm not sure what I'm waiting for.

The concept of DreamHack open started last year and in 27 days the event will be up and running again and of course, I'll be there! As always before DreamHack I get excited so long before the actual event. Now that I know ThorZaIN and HerO is coming as well as InControl and Artosis the excitment begings. It feels even close when I know ThorZaIN is back in Sweden already!

What it like about this year's Open is that the 8th best people all get money. I'm not sure why I like that better than the 3 first people getting money or something similar. Never mind, I like it.

I will also meet a few people from Property I'm guessing since most of the players are going. It doesn't make me nervous as much as it would just be cool. That's what nice about the events, you get to meet so many people, I love it.

It's going to be different cheering on people this year. I seem to change who I'm cheering on/add a bunch of people to cheer on which in a way makes it fun and I think I know a lot more about the players and why I cheer specifically on them. Anyway, I'll always be cheering for ThorZaIN though, always!

Bye guys!


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