StarCraft II - arcade beta

Hey everyone! 

I have been so naive.. Both Alex and I thought the arcade beta (the beta with everything except the campaign) were for people that got an invite and a friend didn't think it was for EU anyway. Yesterday evening Alex discovered that it wasn't the fact though, it was open for anyone to download on
  Of course I have tested it then by now but there wasn't too much to see since the arcade is pretty much what it is now. It was still fun to try it out though because the interface looked so much better than what it used to and to see that the new system worked better and so on. There is about nothing that I dislike actually...
  Here's a little peak of what it kinda looks like;

It was also good that they had added a big tab that you could click and see all the units and their health, upgrades and so on. You could also check all races tech trees. These features might not be specifically helpful in any way but it was a fun feature!

If you play StarCraft I highly recommend to at least take a fast look at it... I'm looking so much forward to the heart of the swarm cause "hell, it's about time!", am I right?! ;)

Bye guys!


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