Artosis home office

Hey everyone!

This week has been the busiest week ever haha. On friday I went for a long ride with my bike with my bf to go visit his father and eat there, on saturday we went to eat with my father, then to celebrate my sister's boyfriend and then to go to a concert in town. Today we went for a long ride with the bikes again and stayed at my bf's grandmothers sister for a couple of hours and then bike home the whole way... gosh, what a good week-end :)

This is an old video like 2 months back but if you haven't seen it it's kinda interesting!

Oh, and I'm finally getting somewhere in Warcraft III (after realizing normal mode might be a little easier ;p). I really like the game and it feels good to catch up a little bit with my childhood hahaha. What I actually remember from being a kid is seeing the poster of the release of the game.

I actually felt that it was appealing and I wanted to try it out (would so not have known how to play the game since 10 years later I still suck at games ;)) but never dared to ask about it... what a shame!

Bye guys!


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