The sims 3

Hey everyone!

So obviously I'm a big The sims freak and have always been. I just lost the hype somewhere around the release of the third game after playing it for years. But recently I bought the sims 3 for Xbox (for like 200 SEK so) and I got back into the game again, it's so much fun... soo maaaybe I accidentally bought the sims 3 and the pets expansion for PC too. I know what a lot of people are thinking, I'm wasting my money and I'm such a casual gamer. Well, somewhere you're right in that but I have to argue that the sims is getting more and more developed and just controlling other people (and pets...) can be satisfying. I might sound out of mind but I can live with that too!

As a fan I also hope that a fourth game will eventually be out but there're so many features and graphics details they'd have to fix. Even though I love the games I also feel like there's not much more they could do with the game without over doing it. Each the sims game have had more or less the same idea (move people into houses, meet friends, get a job, have fun, be born and die) and expansions (pets, vacation and night life have been expansions to all three). This makes me believe there's not much more to do with the sims except just leech money out of people with expansions and so on, haha. But you never know what the developers might come up with, could be a bunch of stuff! And in that case, I want to buy the sims 4 too!

Bye guys!


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