White-ra and sims 3.. again!

Hey everyone!

So this wierd but wonderful thing happened.. again. Irl I'm a bit of a clumsy person sometimes but in some ways I feel really lucky! I can show you why.

And then he decided to follow me... say what now? "Your work looks nice"? My blog? Did he like my blog and then started to follow me? I wish I could go back and tell myself that the first time I was cheering on him in Starcraft. I had just started watching e-sport and he became the first person I cheered for. I guess much of it was because I liked Protoss but more and more I realized what a cool and nice guy he seems to be, always doing his best to entertain and I found myself watching his streams and all. I want to, for a second, become serious (which I'm so bad at haha!) and just say wow... White-ra is following me on Twitter, my life is complete ;)
  It's ThorZaIN next...!
But enough about me, let's talk about games.

So I know I talked about The sims 3 yesterday but I would like to get back to that just once again. Just before I went to sleep I saw this tweet that said there was going to be a big announcement regarding the sims and I thought to myself, did I just predict the sims 4 before the announcement of it? Nah, maybe not but if you're as interested in The sims as I am we should all watch the live announcement on January 8th at 10am pst according to the facebook event!


And that's all I wanted to say, just wanted to inform you a little more about The sims, next time I promise to speak about something else. Have a good weekend everyone!

Bye guys!


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