
Hey everyone! Once more I've become addicted to some cellphone games. I wonder how it comes that I always get addicted by the most wierd games. Angry bird wasn't that bad, but these are, trust me!

The first game I'm addicted to is called "Village". It's basically as any other worhless facebook game where you take care of a village full of cavemen. It's quite fun though and I keep playing it because it's not about caring about crops that rot. In games where things rot they build their concept of you coming back all the time which "Village" has ignored and I love that! They've understood that people keep playing when the game is;
1. not forcing you back/give disadvantages if you don't come back
2. on the phone
Me is recommend, ya!

Next on is "Pocket frogs". Cute little game where you breed frogs... such a dork, I know x__x''
See, aren't they cute?! Problem with this game is that if you want to achieve anything at all you need to play it a lot, or, not a lot really but when you sit down and play you have to play at least 40 minutes to get there which makes it all pretty sucky after a while. But the frogs are really cute, haha, and I would recommend people to at least try it.

Last game will be "My monster rancher". It's a little bit like Pokémon where you have a creature that you need to get stronger and level up and then battle with it. You can go into adventures and it just goes on like that. Problem is that it's very monoton and you have to buy coins with irl-money to get more monsters and so on.

So based on that I would say Village is totally the best one!^^

What are you favorite cellphone-games? Comment!

Bye guys


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