The speedruns!

Hey everyone! Yesterday I finished watching Super Mario, yaay(:

I realized I should watch through "The ledgend of Zelda - Ocarina of time" as well since I actually enjoyed watching Super Mario and I might as well share it with you! - This video is the fastest one I found. I don't want to watch it though because he actually cheets on it. In the Super Mario video the player only sometimes uses the bugs in the game. That's actually what this guy does as well but much, much more. He jumps through several chapters and so on. I haven't watched too much but I didn't really fancy it so I'm not going to see so much more. - This one is way longer but feels more genuin. The first video is for you who want to see the game fast and this one is more about seeing the whole game in chronological order.

There you go! More nerdwatching to do so, gnbth
Bye guys!


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