Two awesome news from January

Hey everyone! Here're a two news from January that I never posted. I have some time to do it now instead!

Soul calibur 5 has just been release, at least in North America, which will be great to play. I've never played Soul calibur but my friend will probably buy ut so I'll be hanging out there for a while when she has! ^^

Also Street Fighter x Tekken to PS3 are going to have Mega man and Pac-man as characters to choose. A lot of people have been upset with this of some reason. Since I love Tekken and think Street Fighter looks really awesome I look forward to the game and I don't really care whether Mega man is in there. The only thing I'm wondering is how Pac-man would ever do a decent job in a fighting game like that. He's not violent?? But as they say, he's probably just a character they put in there kind of like a joke. Hopefully, Mega man and Pac-man are great men in Street Fighter x Tekken just as they are in their own games!

Bye guys!


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