DreamHack Summer

Hey everyone! I just have to tell you that I'm already getting so pumped for DreamHack Summer. Since last time I've been thinking a whole lot about it. It's such a cool experience...

So when I, once again, started to think of it I realised that it was almost closer to the summer DreamHack than the winter DreamHack I attended. I got pretty excited and visited their site and, get ready, they've annouced the date for the event and also... you can already buy tickets!

It will be from the 16th of June until the 19th... I'm just hoping to god right now that I will get a job during the summer but that I can pleeeease get these days off?! I have to go... haha.

Is anyone else going? Any swede out there? Or maybe someone travelling from a far? Comment!

Bye guys!


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