I'm ill

Hey everyone! Today I'm ill and I think I've figured out why. Getting back into school while working got a little bit too much for me. I didn't go to school and slept all day today so work is off too. I've eaten a lot and feel hungry and tired all the time so it's like I stressed out or something xp
  But I'll be fine, things should go back to usual if I can just rest for today. I just need better planning and getting a bit more used to it!^^

Fun fact: 105 546 849 views on gangnam style?! Holy macaroni that's much!


Even though I'm ill I've been watching Alex play Guild wars 2, I so wanna play it now!! I need to buy it haha... ... though... it's like sold out all over my town haha...
  We also saw Ret playing the Hots beta! Really cool to see a pro play it again. I still wonder how everything's gonna go together though. It's a little bit like... everything is op. I know it's not it just feels like it, guess I'm just scared it won't be as good as Wol.

I'll end with this:


Sooo cute hahaha. Can't even see the little one is a lion yet!

Bye guys!


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